So Christmas is finally over and got damn, I'm happy. Do you know how much damn wrapping paper I had to pick up? Do you know how many toys my kids got? My kids got so much shit, I had to throw some of their old toys out and there still isn't enough room for all their new stuff. They couldn't even open up some of their new toys. I will admit, I spoil my kids. I got my old kid a laptop. A laptop for a five year old. Man, I didn't even have a Nintendo at five. I had to wait until I was 8 or 9. My friend T. Fox told me today he wish he was one of my kids because he knows how much I spoil them. But the funny thing about today was; Yes , I know it's about family, but it is also about giving. And I gave. I gave a couple, well deserved ass whoopings. My kids thought it was damn free for all up in this piece. Crying and hollering and "It's mines" got on my nerves. I have one daughter and she makes up for about 2 kids. Bad as shit! But that's my baby. But she has a smart ass mouth. At the age of three, she already tells me what she is going and not going to do. Let me repraise that. She tries to tell me what she is going and not going to do. So today, on the Lords days, I gave her a little bit more than gifts. And I also let her know this was a gift she was going to get until she moves out my house. Cause daddy don't play. Her grand daddy didn't play and none of her aunts play. Her mom might play, but pops don't. So that was my favorite gift I gave out today, a good old ass whooping. Happy holidays.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
30 is the Old 30
Jay-Z made people believe 30 is the new 20 when he is 40 his damn self. What the hell is he talking about? For a minute, I rode that saying saying when I was about to be 30. I was like, "Yeah, I still got it." As far as looks, yeah, the years haven't kicked my ass like some of my old class mates. Some look BAD! Bad. Now I have changed since high school as far as the weight (A staggering 225 compared to about 125) and maybe the extra weight is why I actually feel 30. But in some ways and at sometimes, I do feel younger than my actual age. People say I don't look 30, I still can pull the lady's if I choose. (I actually was talking to a 19 year old for a week until I found out I can't do the high school shit and pulled a bad ass 21 year old when I was with my partner Derek) But about a year ago, 30 being the new 20 was out the window. I decided to take my grown ass outside one night while playing spades and race. Now this 23 year old girl told me she was on the track team. You see, I was still living out my youth. I was pretty fast as a teenager, even in my early 20's. So I thought, "I got this." So we're off and I'm actually good for the first 5 steps until I get the worse cramp in my leg!
That happens when your thirty!
When I was younger, I use to always wonder why my dad was always sleep after he got off of work. He napped damn near everyday. I use to think, "Damn, my dad is lazy. We don't never do the stuff Bill Cosby does with Theo." Now that I have my own kids, I see I'm doing the same thing with my kids my dad did with me; napping a lot.
That happens when your thirty!
The day I turned 30, my back was killing me. I woke up screaming, saying this can't be life.
That happens when your thirty!
Me and a sibling got into it one time and back in the day, I could hold mines. But now, I'm like, "Stop playing," while I'm catching my breathe.
That happens when your thirty!
I notice how when I am playing with my kids and I'm on the ground, I either need help or need to grab a hold of something to get up off the ground.
That happens when your thirty!
I'm not even going to talk about sex because since I'm in my 30's now. I'll tell you like this, you can get a bad ass 5 minutes or a boring ass 15, take it how you want it. And no, my girl ain't mad.
That happens when your thirty!
So people who are in their 30's, y'all need to stop with that 30 is the new 20 BS. True indeed, liquor might cause you to think that or some little youngster might have boost your head up. But when you got bills to pay, mouths to feed, and kids to take care of, being twenty is out the window. Cause since I've been 30, the club and ripping and running the streets like I did when I was 20 is out the question. My fun time now is called rest.
And that is what happens when you are thirty!
That happens when your thirty!
When I was younger, I use to always wonder why my dad was always sleep after he got off of work. He napped damn near everyday. I use to think, "Damn, my dad is lazy. We don't never do the stuff Bill Cosby does with Theo." Now that I have my own kids, I see I'm doing the same thing with my kids my dad did with me; napping a lot.
That happens when your thirty!
The day I turned 30, my back was killing me. I woke up screaming, saying this can't be life.
That happens when your thirty!
Me and a sibling got into it one time and back in the day, I could hold mines. But now, I'm like, "Stop playing," while I'm catching my breathe.
That happens when your thirty!
I notice how when I am playing with my kids and I'm on the ground, I either need help or need to grab a hold of something to get up off the ground.
That happens when your thirty!
I'm not even going to talk about sex because since I'm in my 30's now. I'll tell you like this, you can get a bad ass 5 minutes or a boring ass 15, take it how you want it. And no, my girl ain't mad.
That happens when your thirty!
So people who are in their 30's, y'all need to stop with that 30 is the new 20 BS. True indeed, liquor might cause you to think that or some little youngster might have boost your head up. But when you got bills to pay, mouths to feed, and kids to take care of, being twenty is out the window. Cause since I've been 30, the club and ripping and running the streets like I did when I was 20 is out the question. My fun time now is called rest.
And that is what happens when you are thirty!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Things Just Ain't the Same
I'm from the old school. I had old school parents who gave old school ass whoopings and if you didn't do what they said, you got your ass whooped, no time outs. And I think that's why kids are so damn bad now, nobody believes in the good ol' belt anymore. I have three kids of my own and I'm like my dad, you act up and it's your ass. I don't yell, "I'mma beat your ass." Reason being is, they know it's going to come. The thing to do is catch them in the act and give them a fresh one right then and right there. And see, I got those ol' school whoopings. If it was able to get picked up, I might have got hit with it or thrown at. We're not going to talk about going to pick out my own switch. (Switch- a piece of a tree such as a limb that you got your ass beat with) Also when it came to curfew, my dad always said be home before that sun comes down. Me and my sisters knew exactly what that meant. There wasn't no yelling out our name, no searching for us, no ringing no bell. We knew the deal. We knew that if we didn't eat what was made for the night, you just wasn't going to eat. The good ol' days.
What the fuck is a time out? I'mma need a time out to catch my breathe so I can continue to whip ass.
Now let's talk about the shit that is going on right now. You got kids telling their parents what they will and won't do and all this crazy shit. I can't even watch Nanny 911 because that show makes me want to beat the parents ass. And what a coincidence you never see black people on there. Now that I think about it, I only see white people on there. I don't even see Asian. Let me find out Asians beat they kids ass. Even when I watch the episodes of Maury when they have the little bad kids on there, rolling they neck and doing all that cussing piss's me off. It's funny because most of the time, the mom is on their crying, but the minute the kid comes out, the mom gets loud. Get loud at home and none of this shit would be going on. BEAT YOUR KIDS ASS!!!! And I say that with anger in my voice. What you need to do is sign a contract and either let that big muscle dude put his hands on your kid's or allow the audience to fuck your kid up. Because if I was in the crowd and one of those bastards talked to me like they was crazy, I might come up on the stage, take my belt off, and do what you're not doing. I watch and listen when the mom says their kid hits them. What damn house is this? They need a Black Nanny 911 and none of this shit would be going on. Marvin Gaye was in his forties and tried to fight his dad and you heard what happen. I think Mike Sr. had dreams of me ever testing him. I wasn't dumb and I loved my life. The ass beatings and punishments he gave me was enough.
Now I know some parents now are only a few years older than their kids, (You have 26 year old grandmothers now, 40 year old great grandmothers) but you are still the parent. I don't care if I was only a few years older than my kid, I wish like shit my kid would call me by my first name. I'm only 30 and have an 18 year old nephew and to this day, he still calls me Uncle Mike. I wish the lil' mutha fucka would call me by my first name. And even though he is 18, I still talk to him like is my nephew, not my friend. Because if we ever got on a friend level, he might think he can talk to me any kind of way he wants. (You hear me parents, you can't be friends with your kids.) I'm uncle Mike first and then maybe friend. That goes with my kids. I'm daddy before anything and daddy beats ass just like uncle Mike.
Now this goes out to the ladies and please, don't let the truth hurt you. Most of the time, if you are dealing with a sorry ass man and you have a kid with him, that kid is going to come out bad as shit if you don't keep him or her in line. Some parents think it's cool for their kid to cuss. I wish the fuck I would think it's funny for my kids to cuss. For instance, one time, I heard my daughter cuss. Yes, I laughed to myself because I couldn't believe she is catching on to her father's mouth. But I didn't let her see me laugh. So I went and tagged her in her mouth because she knew what she said was wrong. So I fault myself for that one. But parents, there is some shit you shouldn't do in front your kids. I see some shit on other websites that makes me mad. (Parents rolling joints, having sex, taking ghetto ass pictures in front their kids)
I had an argument with some asshole recently because I said I don't believe in kids having cellphones. Their argument was that they had to keep in touch with their kid. My argument was, coming up, we didn't have no cellphone. We took our ass's home, checked in, and then went right back out. Or, wherever we was at, we picked up a phone and called home to let our parents know where we was at. Cellphone for a kid? Unless my kid is paying for that line, that's the only way their going to have a cellphone. Better use that home phone like I had to.
Parents, we need to get back to being parents instead of friends to our kids. We need to beat these kids ass and have them growing up like when we was kids (No cellphones, no tv past a certain time, having your ass in the house at a certain time, ASS WHOOPINGS, a good smack in the mouth if they back talk you, etc.) Now I'm not saying abuse your kid, but if they get out of line, put them in their place. Take it from me, a product of ass whoopings who has never been to jail, doesn't have a record, and doesn't plan on going.
What the fuck is a time out? I'mma need a time out to catch my breathe so I can continue to whip ass.
Now let's talk about the shit that is going on right now. You got kids telling their parents what they will and won't do and all this crazy shit. I can't even watch Nanny 911 because that show makes me want to beat the parents ass. And what a coincidence you never see black people on there. Now that I think about it, I only see white people on there. I don't even see Asian. Let me find out Asians beat they kids ass. Even when I watch the episodes of Maury when they have the little bad kids on there, rolling they neck and doing all that cussing piss's me off. It's funny because most of the time, the mom is on their crying, but the minute the kid comes out, the mom gets loud. Get loud at home and none of this shit would be going on. BEAT YOUR KIDS ASS!!!! And I say that with anger in my voice. What you need to do is sign a contract and either let that big muscle dude put his hands on your kid's or allow the audience to fuck your kid up. Because if I was in the crowd and one of those bastards talked to me like they was crazy, I might come up on the stage, take my belt off, and do what you're not doing. I watch and listen when the mom says their kid hits them. What damn house is this? They need a Black Nanny 911 and none of this shit would be going on. Marvin Gaye was in his forties and tried to fight his dad and you heard what happen. I think Mike Sr. had dreams of me ever testing him. I wasn't dumb and I loved my life. The ass beatings and punishments he gave me was enough.
Now I know some parents now are only a few years older than their kids, (You have 26 year old grandmothers now, 40 year old great grandmothers) but you are still the parent. I don't care if I was only a few years older than my kid, I wish like shit my kid would call me by my first name. I'm only 30 and have an 18 year old nephew and to this day, he still calls me Uncle Mike. I wish the lil' mutha fucka would call me by my first name. And even though he is 18, I still talk to him like is my nephew, not my friend. Because if we ever got on a friend level, he might think he can talk to me any kind of way he wants. (You hear me parents, you can't be friends with your kids.) I'm uncle Mike first and then maybe friend. That goes with my kids. I'm daddy before anything and daddy beats ass just like uncle Mike.
Now this goes out to the ladies and please, don't let the truth hurt you. Most of the time, if you are dealing with a sorry ass man and you have a kid with him, that kid is going to come out bad as shit if you don't keep him or her in line. Some parents think it's cool for their kid to cuss. I wish the fuck I would think it's funny for my kids to cuss. For instance, one time, I heard my daughter cuss. Yes, I laughed to myself because I couldn't believe she is catching on to her father's mouth. But I didn't let her see me laugh. So I went and tagged her in her mouth because she knew what she said was wrong. So I fault myself for that one. But parents, there is some shit you shouldn't do in front your kids. I see some shit on other websites that makes me mad. (Parents rolling joints, having sex, taking ghetto ass pictures in front their kids)
I had an argument with some asshole recently because I said I don't believe in kids having cellphones. Their argument was that they had to keep in touch with their kid. My argument was, coming up, we didn't have no cellphone. We took our ass's home, checked in, and then went right back out. Or, wherever we was at, we picked up a phone and called home to let our parents know where we was at. Cellphone for a kid? Unless my kid is paying for that line, that's the only way their going to have a cellphone. Better use that home phone like I had to.
Parents, we need to get back to being parents instead of friends to our kids. We need to beat these kids ass and have them growing up like when we was kids (No cellphones, no tv past a certain time, having your ass in the house at a certain time, ASS WHOOPINGS, a good smack in the mouth if they back talk you, etc.) Now I'm not saying abuse your kid, but if they get out of line, put them in their place. Take it from me, a product of ass whoopings who has never been to jail, doesn't have a record, and doesn't plan on going.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What's the Difference....
The older I get, the more I see shit that wasn't cool when I was younger. You got men and boys wearing tight pants, I once seen a man wearing a fashion scarf, and a whole bunch of other things that might have gotten you beat up or teased. But the one thing that stands out the most is the high level of gayism going on. No, I'm not talking about if your a straight gay man or straight butch broad, but I'm talking about the men and women who one minute, want to be with a man or women, but then the next minute, you switch it up. Now it seems okay for women to go around, kissing another chick all in the mouth. But a man? Fuck no. The minute you kiss a man all the mouth, you are a faggot for life! I don't want to hear that, "Oh, I was drunk" routine or none of that. The minute any of my homeboys even attempt to bring their mouth close to me, that's it. So whispering secrets in my ear is out. I never believed in the term bisexual. You either like men or you like women. Point blank. Now I don't have nothing against men and women who like the same gender, but for men, just don't bring that shit my way. We can be cool, just don't lead the conversation in the wrong path.
To this day, I've never been infatuated with seeing two women together, not even fine ones. I just feel like they could use a lil' meat in their lives instead of something plastic or something that takes batteries. Now you might ask, how can two fine women not turn my freaky ass on? Easily. I ain't in the middle. Four breast are the same as two to me. So if you have kissed a woman all in the mouth, you are a dike. Point blank.
There's a saying I hear when I listen to tv, Gay For Pay, meaning men and women playing straight for a check. But some of the people, how the hell you couldn't tell that they wasn't gay? Like when they finally decide to come out, you're shocked, a.k.a, Rosie O'Donell, the dancing dike Ellen, Wanda Sykes, the little tomboy from Rosanne, Tyler Perry (C'mon people). But one person who I didn't know was gay has shocked the shit out me; Guillermo Diaz (The spanish guy from Half Baked). Now I'm no actor, but if I'm not kissing a man in real life, ain't no damn way any amount of money is going to allow me to kiss a dude in the mouth. The same should go for women.
So I guess the point I want to know is, why is their a double standard between men and women when they "experiment" with the same race? Is it wrong for me not to think it's cool for a woman to kiss another woman one minute, then be in the mouth of a man the next? Can a man really be bisexual? (My answer is no. You can it in the rear and your manhood in my book is denied.) Tell me what you think. Peace.
To this day, I've never been infatuated with seeing two women together, not even fine ones. I just feel like they could use a lil' meat in their lives instead of something plastic or something that takes batteries. Now you might ask, how can two fine women not turn my freaky ass on? Easily. I ain't in the middle. Four breast are the same as two to me. So if you have kissed a woman all in the mouth, you are a dike. Point blank.
There's a saying I hear when I listen to tv, Gay For Pay, meaning men and women playing straight for a check. But some of the people, how the hell you couldn't tell that they wasn't gay? Like when they finally decide to come out, you're shocked, a.k.a, Rosie O'Donell, the dancing dike Ellen, Wanda Sykes, the little tomboy from Rosanne, Tyler Perry (C'mon people). But one person who I didn't know was gay has shocked the shit out me; Guillermo Diaz (The spanish guy from Half Baked). Now I'm no actor, but if I'm not kissing a man in real life, ain't no damn way any amount of money is going to allow me to kiss a dude in the mouth. The same should go for women.
So I guess the point I want to know is, why is their a double standard between men and women when they "experiment" with the same race? Is it wrong for me not to think it's cool for a woman to kiss another woman one minute, then be in the mouth of a man the next? Can a man really be bisexual? (My answer is no. You can it in the rear and your manhood in my book is denied.) Tell me what you think. Peace.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Can people of the opposite sex really be best friends?
I'm in a relationship right now and it seems like until either my youngest kid is 18 or until I have finally had enough, I'm in it for the long run. And I also have many close friends, males and female. So you might be asking yourself, "What the hell does these two have to do with one another?" Easy, asshole, a lot. My girl friend doesn't have a problem with my friendship when it comes to the fellows. But when it comes to my female friends, I think it might be different. Not with all of my female friends, but with one. I have a female friend who I have been cool with for more than 15 years, going way back to the 9th grade of high school. This was my smoke out partner, my buddy who I got a job with, my ace boom coon. This was my 4th sister in my eyes. Back in school, when you saw Turner, you saw my buddy. And from what I heard, people thought me and her went together because we were always around each other. I told her that one day and we both fell out laughing.
Now you might want to know if there is any sexual chemistry between the two of us? Fuck no, not in my eyes and not in hers either. We are just real cool and talk about whatever. She's married and going through her own shit and I'm practically married and going through my own shit. There was a time when me and my buddy lost contact and I was like, "Damn, I gotta find my buddy." Now around this time, I had met my girl friend and had always told her about my buddy. Always! So hearing her name was nothing new. Because I honestly put my friend in the same category as my male friends. No, she not no dike or butch looking, she's just that damn cool. She's then met my family and everything. That's my ace. And never once had my girl asked me if anything had ever went on between me and my friend. Never.
About three or four years go by and I actually find my friend over the computer. Man, you talking about being happy. I was so happy when I found out my buddy was back in the area. We linked back up, caught up on old memories and I even introduced her to my girl friend. Yeah, I introduced her to my girl because there isn't and never was anything going on between us. Plus, if I'mma do any dirt with her, I'm not going to introduce her to my woman, right?
So my question is this, can men and women have a cool friendship where their spouse isn't concerned. My friend is married and I have known her husband since high school as well. He is cool with my relationship with his woman because I think he knows me and her are like brother and sister. But how many other guys or women would feel comfortable if their spouse was talking to another gender on the phone? With me, I don't hide anything from my girl. Anybody I talk to on the phone, I feel like I can talk to them in front of my girl unless I'm talking shit about her. And I'm like this, if I had these friends before I met you, you really can't say shit. It ain't like I'm having conversations with girls I then ran meat up in. But even with girls I then had relations with, I can still have a conversation with them with nothing sexual even being talked about. That's just the type of person I am. I'm talking to women who I can bring around my girl. That's just me. But how many women or men can put up with that? How many women can put up with their man having a close friendship with a woman without expecting something is going on? I feel that if there is a problem, you don't trust your spouse. Now do I have a problem with my girl having male friends? No, not as long as I know who he is. How can I stop my girl from talking to a guy that she knew before me? That would be dumb. But how come women have a more difficult time when it's the other way around? You have to have confidence in your relationship and your pussy. Sorry for saying it so harshly, but that's real. If you got a good trust factor and is laying it down in the bed, your man ain't thinking about that friend when it's time to get it down. So am I being optimistic or can the opposite sex really be good friends? Shout outs to my buddy. Friends forever.
Now you might want to know if there is any sexual chemistry between the two of us? Fuck no, not in my eyes and not in hers either. We are just real cool and talk about whatever. She's married and going through her own shit and I'm practically married and going through my own shit. There was a time when me and my buddy lost contact and I was like, "Damn, I gotta find my buddy." Now around this time, I had met my girl friend and had always told her about my buddy. Always! So hearing her name was nothing new. Because I honestly put my friend in the same category as my male friends. No, she not no dike or butch looking, she's just that damn cool. She's then met my family and everything. That's my ace. And never once had my girl asked me if anything had ever went on between me and my friend. Never.
About three or four years go by and I actually find my friend over the computer. Man, you talking about being happy. I was so happy when I found out my buddy was back in the area. We linked back up, caught up on old memories and I even introduced her to my girl friend. Yeah, I introduced her to my girl because there isn't and never was anything going on between us. Plus, if I'mma do any dirt with her, I'm not going to introduce her to my woman, right?
So my question is this, can men and women have a cool friendship where their spouse isn't concerned. My friend is married and I have known her husband since high school as well. He is cool with my relationship with his woman because I think he knows me and her are like brother and sister. But how many other guys or women would feel comfortable if their spouse was talking to another gender on the phone? With me, I don't hide anything from my girl. Anybody I talk to on the phone, I feel like I can talk to them in front of my girl unless I'm talking shit about her. And I'm like this, if I had these friends before I met you, you really can't say shit. It ain't like I'm having conversations with girls I then ran meat up in. But even with girls I then had relations with, I can still have a conversation with them with nothing sexual even being talked about. That's just the type of person I am. I'm talking to women who I can bring around my girl. That's just me. But how many women or men can put up with that? How many women can put up with their man having a close friendship with a woman without expecting something is going on? I feel that if there is a problem, you don't trust your spouse. Now do I have a problem with my girl having male friends? No, not as long as I know who he is. How can I stop my girl from talking to a guy that she knew before me? That would be dumb. But how come women have a more difficult time when it's the other way around? You have to have confidence in your relationship and your pussy. Sorry for saying it so harshly, but that's real. If you got a good trust factor and is laying it down in the bed, your man ain't thinking about that friend when it's time to get it down. So am I being optimistic or can the opposite sex really be good friends? Shout outs to my buddy. Friends forever.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Don't Believe the Hype '09
2009 is almost over and damn, the music has been horrible. Before the end of the year, I will give out my top ten hip hop and R&B albums of the year. But for now, I am so sick of the new and upping comers. Now people will call me a “Hater” (Still hate that term), but it’s like I can’t even give an opinion without people saying I hate on everything. Like I’ve said before, I don’t jock what’s in right now unless it really is good. But here is my top 10 list of “Don’t Believe the Hype ‘09 in no particular order. Now some will say I’m hating, I say I’m just don’ like they shit and don’t see the big deal. So here you go. And hate, hate, hate. I love it.
10: Drake
Now I don't see the hype ab out home boy at all. I have never heard a full song from him, but from the verses I have heard, am I suppose to be impressed? Dude sounds like a light skin Lil' Wayne and I'm sure you know how I feel about him.
9: Lil' Bow Wow

Wack, has always been wack, and signing with Cash Money will mean you will continue to be wack. Tattoos and cussing don't make you tough.
8: Gucci Mane

If I ranked them, this dude would probably be number one. Do I really have to say anything?
7.: Jim Jones

Sucks just as bad as his ad libs. And his jeans are tight. Talking about Kanye's pants are tight. Negro please. You better check ya'self.
6: Joe Buddens

Hip Hops 2009's version on Yung Bird. A C+ rapper known for starting shit, then taking it back. Might be a light skin thing.
5: Nicki Manij

Is this wack broad serious? Her flow sucks, her image sucks, and she's going to have to suck to make it. What happen to real female emcees?
4: Brandy's Little Brother

Whatever this cornball does in life, he's always going to be known for the title I gave him. Regardless of the collabs you do with emcees, you suck.
3: Rihanna and The Dream

One question, can these two even really sing?
2: Rick Ross

He's ignored all the taunts. Maybe because people who listen to real music have ignored his fat ass.
1: Wale

First time I saw dude, I said, typical, get with the in chick of the moment. (Lady Gaga) Bad thing was, the song was horrible and everything I heard after was bad. Have you heard "Press Your Weave" yet? Need I say more?
So there you go. My top 10 or 11 list of, "Get the hell out of here with that bull shit." Did I miss anybody?
10: Drake

9: Lil' Bow Wow

Wack, has always been wack, and signing with Cash Money will mean you will continue to be wack. Tattoos and cussing don't make you tough.
8: Gucci Mane

If I ranked them, this dude would probably be number one. Do I really have to say anything?
7.: Jim Jones

Sucks just as bad as his ad libs. And his jeans are tight. Talking about Kanye's pants are tight. Negro please. You better check ya'self.
6: Joe Buddens

Hip Hops 2009's version on Yung Bird. A C+ rapper known for starting shit, then taking it back. Might be a light skin thing.
5: Nicki Manij

Is this wack broad serious? Her flow sucks, her image sucks, and she's going to have to suck to make it. What happen to real female emcees?
4: Brandy's Little Brother

Whatever this cornball does in life, he's always going to be known for the title I gave him. Regardless of the collabs you do with emcees, you suck.
3: Rihanna and The Dream

One question, can these two even really sing?
2: Rick Ross

He's ignored all the taunts. Maybe because people who listen to real music have ignored his fat ass.
1: Wale

First time I saw dude, I said, typical, get with the in chick of the moment. (Lady Gaga) Bad thing was, the song was horrible and everything I heard after was bad. Have you heard "Press Your Weave" yet? Need I say more?
So there you go. My top 10 or 11 list of, "Get the hell out of here with that bull shit." Did I miss anybody?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
T. Fox is Coming...

My man, T. Fox is dropping his new album, "The Great Junction" sometime in 2010, dropping on Tasteful Licks Records.
I have had the privileged of knowing this man for over 20 years and knows this man has the skills to make it in the music business. You know if I cosign something, it really has to be a big deal. So when it drops, I need y'all to support this joint. Hey, and I made the cover! (Top right hand corner) So go show some love! Peace.
About this Blog...
I would to give people a few words on this blog right here before you say, "Damn, this dude is foul!" First of all, the words you read on here are my thoughts and my thoughts only. I know most of you really think the same damn thing, but I'm just man enough to say it and not give a shit. Nothing is of boundaries with me, regardless if it's music, sports, entertainment, sex, race, whatever. I'm on it.
Now what are all these pictures on the side? On the left, people I mess with in music real hard. No Jigga? No 50? No Beyonce? Hell no! But Hall and Oates? Hell yes, real music. Now some have fallen off a lot to me (Busta Rhymes, Fat Joe), but I can't take away their past shit. Who knows. Jay-Z might make it on my wall eventually. But after that last bullshit album, I don't know. To the right is my entertainment. Stuff I may watch, women I think look good, stuff I liked as a kid. So if I upset you in anyway, mission accomplished. But if you read this as entertainment which it is, thanks for checking me out. Now on with the show......
Now what are all these pictures on the side? On the left, people I mess with in music real hard. No Jigga? No 50? No Beyonce? Hell no! But Hall and Oates? Hell yes, real music. Now some have fallen off a lot to me (Busta Rhymes, Fat Joe), but I can't take away their past shit. Who knows. Jay-Z might make it on my wall eventually. But after that last bullshit album, I don't know. To the right is my entertainment. Stuff I may watch, women I think look good, stuff I liked as a kid. So if I upset you in anyway, mission accomplished. But if you read this as entertainment which it is, thanks for checking me out. Now on with the show......
Saturday, December 5, 2009
So Is Tiger Woods considered "African American" yet?
So the big news in entertainment right now is Tiger Woods and his cheating ways. For the past week, that seems to be the headline all over the tv. Only thing I want to say is, "Who cares?" Man, do you know how many famous people cheat and creep on their spouse? Is it a big deal because he is the most popular golfer or is it because he's a black man? Tiger Woods black? I know, I know, he has denied it over the years. But with him not talking to the cops, that's some black man, "I'm not snitching" type of shit. Now I've never been one of those ones who were on that "Don't snitch" campaign because honestly, people ran that word and term into the ground. But let's get back to the subject matter. Tiger's wife supposedly found out about one of his creeps and beat his ass, causing him to crash. Now all of a sudden, you got woman after woman coming out the woodwork, saying how they were messing with homeboy on the side. Now I will say this is sad on these women. Why all of a sudden, now that is out in the open about Tiger creeping, you want to come out and announce to the world you were messing with him, too? That's some ol' punk shit right there. You should have been said something about it if it really meant anything. Now you're just going to be consider a side hoe.
So is this the end of Tiger Wood's career? Personally, I don't care because golf isn't my thing. I'm just talking about it because it's my job to report what's going on in the world. There's an old saying, "People always want to keep the black man down." But if he doesn't consider himself black, what do you consider it, you can't keep a good golfer down? So with Tiger Woods not telling and having multiple creeps, can it be said that Tiger has finally joined his daddy?
So is this the end of Tiger Wood's career? Personally, I don't care because golf isn't my thing. I'm just talking about it because it's my job to report what's going on in the world. There's an old saying, "People always want to keep the black man down." But if he doesn't consider himself black, what do you consider it, you can't keep a good golfer down? So with Tiger Woods not telling and having multiple creeps, can it be said that Tiger has finally joined his daddy?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Welcoming me back!
It's been about a year or so since I stopped doing my blogs over at "Da Thin Line." Til' this day, a few people asked me if I still do it. I would say no and keep it moving. I had a fall out with a friend of mine over this blogging shit, but I actually manned up and reached out to him. Anybody who knows the real me knows I can hold a grudge and be like, "F it." But I wasn't going to let a ten some year friendship go down like that over some bull crap he said, she said, especially from a mutha fucka I don't even know personally. So what has chanced since my last blog; not a got damn thing. People need Turner in their life. People need that realness, that thorough, that shit that's going to get some people mad while others find what I say to be funny, but possibly ignorant. C'mon, I know you're tired of getting the right answer instead of the "right answer." Nothing is off limits to me. Rather it be music, sports, women, politics, what the hell is going on right now in the world, I'm on it. So prepare. If you're soft, light in the ass, and can't take some truth, break out. Right now, I'm in the rough draft mode, so don't fault me. But trust in believe, give me a few days and as most punks say, this site will be looking fabulous. Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving. Shout out to Lex Luther and Dame. Now let's really get this shit popping.
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